2022 District of Columbia Best Colleges Tuition Comparison

This page compares the best colleges in District of Columbia with tuition, admission, and more academic facts (Ranking data from College Evaluator). For the academic year 2021-2022, Georgetown University rank first in the best District of Columbia college ranking and George Washington University is placed in second.

Admission Comparison Between Best Colleges in District of Columbia

1 public and 8 private schools rank in the best District of Columbia colleges. The schools' average acceptance rate is 54.14% where Georgetown University has the tightest (lowest) acceptance rate of 17% and Trinity Washington University has the highest rate of 96%. Total 84,381 students are attending one of the best District of Columbia schools where George Washington University has the largest population with 27,017 students and Strayer University-District of Columbia has the smallest number of students (745 students). The average graduation rate is 59.33% and the average students to faculty ratio is 12.11:1 at those colleges.
The following table shows the academic information and key facts of the best District of Columbia colleges including acceptance rate, graduation rate, student population, and students to faculty ratio.
Table. District of Columbia Best Colleges Overview
RankName Acceptance RateSAT ScoreGraduation RatePopulationStudent-Faculty Ratio
1Georgetown University
Washington, DC
17%1,46594%19,37111:1 (9.09 %)
2George Washington University
Washington, DC
43%1,36085%27,01713:1 (7.69 %)
3American University
Washington, DC
39%1,30579%14,00112:1 (8.33 %)
4Gallaudet University
Washington, DC
63%91544%1,4516:1 (16.67 %)
5Howard University
Washington, DC
39%1,19564%10,85910:1 (10.00 %)
6The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
82%-74%5,3667:1 (14.29 %)
7Trinity Washington University
Washington, DC
96%-46%1,84612:1 (8.33 %)
8Strayer University-District of Columbia
Washington, DC
--25%74529:1 (3.45 %)
9University of the District of Columbia
Washington, DC
--23%3,7259:1 (11.11 %)
Average54.14%1,24859.33%84,381 (Total)12.11:1 (8.26 %)

Best District Of Columbia Colleges 2022 Tuition Comparison and 2023 Estimated Costs

The following table lists 2021-2022 tuition & fees and compares them between the best District of Columbia colleges. The 2021-2022 costs are officially published by IPEDS, U.S. Department of Education. The estimated costs for the academic year 2022-2023 are calculated and estimated based on each school's rate of tuition change from 2021 to 2022.

For the undergraduate programs, the average tuition & fees of the best District of Columbia colleges is $35,953 where Georgetown University has the most expensive costs at $59,957 and University of the District of Columbia has the lowest amount of tuition at $13,004. The average graduate tuition & fees of the best District of Columbia colleges is $31,157 where Georgetown University has the highest tuition with $55,128 and Trinity Washington University has the lowest amount of graduate school tuition with $14,850.
Table. Best District Of Columbia Colleges 2022 Undergraduate Tuition Comparison and 2023 Estimation
RankSchool Name 2022 Tuition & Fees2023 Estimated Tuition & Fees
1Georgetown University $59,957$62,057
2George Washington University $59,870$61,126
3American University $53,334$55,383
4Gallaudet University $17,712$18,413
5Howard University $28,916$29,400
6The Catholic University of America $52,156$55,048
7Trinity Washington University $25,110$25,110
8Strayer University-District of Columbia $13,515$13,515
9University of the District of Columbia $6,152$13,004 $6,152 $13,004
Created with Highcharts 10.0.0USD ($)The Best District Of Columbia Colleges 2022 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees and 2023Estimation2022 In-State2023 In-State Estimation2022 Out-of-State2023 Out-of-State EstimationGUGWUAmericanUniversityGallaudetUniversityHUTheCatholicUniversityof AmericaTrinityWashingtonUniversityStrayerUniversity-District ofColumbiaUniversityof theDistrict ofColumbia020k40k60k80kHighcharts.com
Table. Best District Of Columbia Colleges 2022 Graduate School Tuition Comparison and 2023 Estimation
RankSchool Name 2022 Tuition & Fees2023 Estimated Tuition & Fees
1Georgetown University $55,128$56,709
2George Washington University $32,904$34,021
3American University $38,456$41,630
4Gallaudet University $19,380$20,078
5Howard University $34,326$34,428
6The Catholic University of America $51,630$52,953
7Trinity Washington University $14,850$15,125
8Strayer University-District of Columbia $15,135$15,135
9University of the District of Columbia $10,094$18,608 $10,094$10,094