266 Colleges provides barbering certificate program and most of those colleges are less than 2 years or 2-4 years college. So you can get the certificate faster than general college degree (i.e. 4 year colleges)
From Wikipedia, definition of barber is as follows:
In modern times, the term "barber" is used both as a professional title and to refer to hairdressers who specialize in men's hair. Historically, all hairdressers were considered barbers. In the 20th century, the profession of cosmetology branched off from barbering, and today hairdressers may be licensed as either barbers or cosmetologists.
You can see the list of barbering colleges here. You can narrow down the list by your location, tuition, or any preference you want.
The rate of Tuition and financial aid is your main concern for choosing barbering school, the college tuition comparison for barber schools gives you a big help.
Next list shows popular barbering college in US.
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