Alaska State Colleges and Universities Tuition Rates and Costs Chart

FilterSee AllUndergraduateGraduatePublicPrivate4 Years2-4 Years1-2 Years

We analyze Alaska State Tuition Costs by School Type, Level, and Degree. Each Table summarizes tuition costs and we show graphical charts for the summarizing tables. You can see a specific tuition charts and tables by using filter on top of this article.

Alaska State Colleges General Information

Number of Schools
Public Schools7
Private Schools5
4 Years Schools7
2-4 Years Schools4
1-2 Years Schools1
Undergraduate Schools12
Graduate Schools5

Undergraduate School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Public$ 4,347$ 11,571$ 636$ 1,036$ 9,971
Private$ 14,766$ 198$ 460$ 8,017

Graduate School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Public$ 8,928$ 18,240$ 906$ 1,227$ 9,769
Private$ 11,340$ 110$ 1,000$ 12,350

Public School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Undergraduate$ 4,347$ 11,571$ 636$ 1,036$ 9,971
Graduate$ 8,928$ 18,240$ 906$ 1,227$ 9,769

Private School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Undergraduate$ 14,766$ 198$ 460$ 8,017
Graduate$ 11,340$ 110$ 1,000$ 12,350

4 Year School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Public$ 5,115$ 16,755$ 843$ 1,227$ 9,769
Private$ 17,188$ 200$ 650$ 7,825

2-4 Year School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State

TuitionRequired FeesBooks & SuppliesLiving Costs
Public$ 3,195$ 3,795$ 325$ 750$ 10,273
Private$ 7,500$ 194$ 80$ 8,400

1-2 Year School Tuition and Expenses of Alaska State is not available due to lack of data or inaccurate information.