Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Vocational Program 2015 Average Tuition and Other Costs

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training is a program that prepares individuals to assist in providing general nursing care under the direction of a registered nurse, physician or dentist. Includes instruction in taking patient vital signs, applying sterile dressings, patient health education, and assistance with examinations and treatment. In this article, we analyze the 2015 tuition and other costs for vocational Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training programs offered by U.S. Colleges.

Total 316 colleges are offering the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training programs. Among them, 240 colleges keep the program as their largest program. The average tuition for the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training program is $14,481 for 2015.

Next table describes average tuition, books & supply costs, program length and other information for Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training program.

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Program Statistics (2015)
Total Number of Schools316
Average Tuition & Fees$14,481
Average Books & Supplies Costs$1,475
Average Length of Program (in contact hours)1,283.19 Hours
Average Number of Months to Complete Program13.09 Month(s)

Average Cost of Attendance for Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Program

For academic year 2014-2015, the average cost of attendance of Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training program is $25,598 when students living on campus housing facilities and $32,548 when living off campus. If students live with family or relatives, the cost of attendance is - without room & board costs. The 2015 average tuition & fees for the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training is $14,481.

Next table and chart illustrate the average amount of each cost item for studying vocational Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training program in US colleges.

2015 Cost of Attendance For Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Program
Tuition & Fees$14,481
Books and Supplies$1,475
On-Camus Room & Board$6,994
On-Camus Other Expenses$2,648
Off-Camus Room & Board$11,316
Off-Camus Other Expenses$5,276
Off-Camus Other Expenses Living with Family$4,646

Popular Colleges in Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Area

Below list is the colleges that offer Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training and are popular in the area. The popularity is calculated based on enrollment, referred number, and other academic factors. In addition you can see all schools offering the program at Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training Vocational Schools page.

Medical and Clinical Assistant Vocational Program 2015 Average Tuition and Other Costs

Medical/Clinical Assistant is a program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to provide medical office administrative services and perform clinical duties including patient intake and care, routine diagnostic and recording procedures, pre-examination and examination assistance, and the administration of medications and first aid. Includes instruction in basic anatomy and physiology; medical terminology; medical law and ethics; patient psychology and communications; medical office procedures; and clinical diagnostic, examination, testing, and treatment procedures. In this article, we analyze the 2015 tuition and other costs for vocational Medical/Clinical Assistant programs offered by U.S. Colleges.

Total 581 colleges are offering the Medical/Clinical Assistant programs. Among them, 354 colleges keep the program as their largest program. The average tuition for the Medical/Clinical Assistant program is $14,237 for 2015.

Next table describes average tuition, books & supply costs, program length and other information for Medical/Clinical Assistant program.

Medical/Clinical Assistant Program Statistics (2015)
Total Number of Schools581
Average Tuition & Fees$14,237
Average Books & Supplies Costs$834
Average Length of Program (in contact hours)385.91 Hours
Average Number of Months to Complete Program9.89 Month(s)

Average Cost of Attendance for Medical/Clinical Assistant Program

For academic year 2014-2015, the average cost of attendance of Medical/Clinical Assistant program is $22,652 when students living on campus housing facilities and $31,290 when living off campus. If students live with family or relatives, the cost of attendance is - without room & board costs. The 2015 average tuition & fees for the Medical/Clinical Assistant is $14,237.

Next table and chart illustrate the average amount of each cost item for studying vocational Medical/Clinical Assistant program in US colleges.

2015 Cost of Attendance For Medical/Clinical Assistant Program
Tuition & Fees$14,237
Books and Supplies$834
On-Camus Room & Board$5,634
On-Camus Other Expenses$1,948
Off-Camus Room & Board$10,689
Off-Camus Other Expenses$5,531
Off-Camus Other Expenses Living with Family$4,850

Popular Colleges in Medical/Clinical Assistant Area

Below list is the colleges that offer Medical/Clinical Assistant and are popular in the area. The popularity is calculated based on enrollment, referred number, and other academic factors. In addition you can see all schools offering the program at Medical/Clinical Assistant Vocational Schools page.

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Vocational Program 2015 Average Tuition and Other Costs

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist is a program that generally prepares individuals to cut, trim, and style scalp, facial, and body hair; apply cosmetic preparations; perform manicures and pedicures; massage the head and extremities; and prepare for practice as licensed cosmetologists in specialized or full-service salons. Includes instruction in hair cutting and styling, manicuring, pedicuring, facial treatments, shampooing, chemical applications, esthetics, shop management, sanitation and safety, customer service, and applicable professional and labor laws and regulations. In this article, we analyze the 2015 tuition and other costs for vocational Cosmetology/Cosmetologist programs offered by U.S. Colleges.

Total 1,510 colleges are offering the Cosmetology/Cosmetologist programs. Among them, 1,277 colleges keep the program as their largest program. The average tuition for the Cosmetology/Cosmetologist program is $14,047 for 2015.

Next table describes average tuition, books & supply costs, program length and other information for Cosmetology/Cosmetologist program.

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Program Statistics (2015)
Total Number of Schools1,510
Average Tuition & Fees$14,047
Average Books & Supplies Costs$1,612
Average Length of Program (in contact hours)1,469.71 Hours
Average Number of Months to Complete Program12.59 Month(s)

Average Cost of Attendance for Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Program

For academic year 2014-2015, the average cost of attendance of Cosmetology/Cosmetologist program is $27,855 when students living on campus housing facilities and $32,717 when living off campus. If students live with family or relatives, the cost of attendance is - without room & board costs. The 2015 average tuition & fees for the Cosmetology/Cosmetologist is $14,047.

Next table and chart illustrate the average amount of each cost item for studying vocational Cosmetology/Cosmetologist program in US colleges.

2015 Cost of Attendance For Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Program
Tuition & Fees$14,047
Books and Supplies$1,612
On-Camus Room & Board$7,927
On-Camus Other Expenses$4,270
Off-Camus Room & Board$11,359
Off-Camus Other Expenses$5,699
Off-Camus Other Expenses Living with Family$4,890

Popular Colleges in Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Area

Below list is the colleges that offer Cosmetology/Cosmetologist and are popular in the area. The popularity is calculated based on enrollment, referred number, and other academic factors. In addition you can see all schools offering the program at Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Vocational Schools page.

2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Average Tuition Costs Charts

U.S. Department of Education has been released the college and university tuition and other costs for academic year 2014-2015. We analyzed each cost item by school type, level, and offered programs. For academic year 2014-2015, for all public colleges, the undergraduate average tuition & fees $5,546 for in-state students and $11,758 for out-of-state students. For private schools, the average tuition & fees are $20,099 for all students. Next table and chart illustrate the 2015 average tuition and other costs for undergraduate programs by various factors.

2015 Undergraduate Tuition & Fess

Table. 2015 Undergraduate Average Tuition & Costs
Tuition & Fees
Public Schools
All Public Schools$5,546$11,758
4 Years or High$7,904$17,808
2-4 Years$3,807$7,508
Less Than 2 Years$6,538$6,749
Private Schools
All Private Schools$20,099
4 Years or High$22,014
2-4 Years$14,054
Less Than 2 Years$11,939

2015 Graduate Schools Tuition & Costs

The graduate school average tuition & fees $9,832 for in-state students and $18,668 for out of state students who are attending in public colleges. For private schools, the 2015 average tuition & fees are $16,822 for all students. We note that the actual costs may vary by major programs for graduate schools.
Table. 2015 Graduate Average Tuition & Costs
Tuition & Fees
Public Schools$9,832$18,668
Private Schools$16,822

U.S. Colleges Ranked In the Top 100 World Engineering

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is announced for academic year 2014-2015. In this page, we compares US colleges and universities ranked in top 100 world universities in the area of Engineering. MIT topped the list, followed by Stanford, Caltech and Princeton. The detail scores and methodology can be found at THE (Times Higher Education) Engineering Rankings.

Next table compares general academic facts between the US Colleges Ranked In Top 100 Engineering University in the World. 34 US schools are included in the list.

2015 Tuition and 2016 Estimation Comparison

Next table lists the estimated 2016 tuition and compares it with current year tuition & fees. The 2016 tuition is estimated by each school. The school which does not show its 2016 tuition does not decide or announce it. For more information, see the school's main page by following the link on the school's name. In addition you can compare the schools in all academic perspectives including admission, tuition, graduation, population and more at us colleges ranked in top 100 engineering university world ranking colleges comparison page.
The average 2016 tuition & fees for US colleges ranked in top 100 engineering university world ranking colleges is $12,553 for in-state students and $38,616 for out-of-state students. For current academic year (2014-2015), the average tuition & fees is $12,333 for in-state students and $37,015 for out-of-state students.

US Colleges & Universities Tuition Trends For Past 10 Yers

In United States, there are 7,735 colleges and universities: 2110 public, 1,954 private (not-for-profit), and 3,670 private (for-profit) schools. By school level, there are 3,217 4-year, 2,363 4-year, and 2,154 less than 2 year schools.

For all schools in United States, In-state tuition & fees is risen by 50.29% from $3,669 (2006) to $5,514 (2015) and out-of-state tuition & fees grew by 41.22% last 10 years, from $11,916 (2006) to $16,828 (2015).Living costs, including room & board and other expenses, is increased by 42.24% from $8,532 (2006) to $12,135 (2015) when students live on campus and 41.49% from $9,786 (2006) to $13,845 (2015) when living off campus without family.

Next table and chart illustrate the changes of total costs for US College over the past 10 years. The total cost includes the tuition, fees, books & supplies, and living costs. The total costs varies by student tuition rates (i.e. in-state or out-of-state) and living facility (i.e. staying on or off campus).

You can see US college tuition trends by State, school type, and for your desired schools at Tuition Trends page.

Cosmetology and Cosmetologist Career Programs Averge Tuition Costs

Cosmetology/Cosmetologist is a program that generally prepares individuals to cut, trim, and style scalp, facial, and body hair; apply cosmetic preparations; perform manicures and pedicures; massage the head and extremities; and prepare for practice as licensed cosmetologists in specialized or full-service salons. The career program is categorized into several sub areas including barbering and make-up artists.

In 2014, the average tuition and fees for all Cosmetology/Cosmetologist programs is $8,048 and the costs for books and supplies is $948 in average.
Average Tuition for Cosmetology/Cosmetologist Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Next Tables show the average tuition for each sub programs of cosmetology and cosmetologist careers. You may want to detail information about tuition and colleges offering the career program by following link on the career program name.

Barberging 218 schools
Average Tuition for Barbering/Barber Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Electrology And Electrolysis 4 schools
Average Tuition for Electrolysis/Electrology and Electrolysis Technician Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Make-up Artist 20 schools
Average Tuition for Make-Up Artist/Specialist Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Hair Styling and Hair Design 54 schools
Average Tuition for Hair Styling/Stylist and Hair Design Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Facial Treatment and Facialist 43 schools
Average Tuition for Facial Treatment Specialist/Facialist Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Aesthetician, Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist 520 schools
Average Tuition for Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Nail Technician and Manicurist 538 schools
Average Tuition for Nail Technician/Specialist and Manicurist Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Permanent Cosmetics, Makeup and Tattooing 1 schools
Average Tuition for Permanent Cosmetics/Makeup and Tattooing Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Beauty Salon Manager 14 schools
Average Tuition for Salon/Beauty Salon Management/Manager Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Cosmetology, Barber, Styling, and Nail Instructor 587 schools
Average Tuition for Cosmetology, Barber/Styling, and Nail Instructor Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

Master Aesthetician and Esthetician 37 schools
Average Tuition for Master Aesthetician/Esthetician Career
Tuition & FeesBooks & Supplies

2014 Forbes Top 25 Colleges Tuition Comparison

In this page, we introduce best 25 colleges selected by Forbes and compare tuition costs and fees between them for year 2014. Forbes announced the new college ranking in July 2004.

General information and comparison between Forbes top 25 schools
In Forbes top 25 list, 1 public and 24 private schools are included where Williams College is on the top of the list and Stanford University is positioned on second. Next table shows academic information and general characteristics of the best 25 colleges.
Table. Forbes Top 25 Schools Overview
RankNameLocationType Acceptance RatesPopulationStudent Faculty Ratio
1 Williams CollegeWilliamstown, MA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years17%2,124 14.29 %
2 Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years6%18,519 8.33 %
3 Swarthmore CollegeSwarthmore, PA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years14%1,552 12.50 %
4 Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ Private not-for-profit, Four or more years7%7,975 16.67 %
5 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years8%11,189 12.50 %
6 Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT Private not-for-profit, Four or more years7%11,906 16.67 %
7 Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years6%28,147 14.29 %
8 Pomona CollegeClaremont, CA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years14%1,607 14.29 %
9 United States Military AcademyWest Point, NY Public, Four or more years9%4,592 14.29 %
10 Amherst CollegeAmherst, MA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years14%1,817 12.50 %
11 Haverford CollegeHaverford, PA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years23%1,205 12.50 %
12 University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years12%24,725 16.67 %
13 Brown UniversityProvidence, RI Private not-for-profit, Four or more years9%8,885 12.50 %
14 Bowdoin CollegeBrunswick, ME Private not-for-profit, Four or more years15%1,839 11.11 %
15 Wesleyan UniversityMiddletown, CT Private not-for-profit, Four or more years21%3,262 11.11 %
16 Carleton CollegeNorthfield, MN Private not-for-profit, Four or more years21%2,055 11.11 %
17 University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN Private not-for-profit, Four or more years22%12,126 10.00 %
18 Dartmouth CollegeHanover, NH Private not-for-profit, Four or more years10%6,277 12.50 %
19 Northwestern UniversityEvanston, IL Private not-for-profit, Four or more years15%21,215 14.29 %
20 Columbia University in the City of New YorkNew York, NY Private not-for-profit, Four or more years7%26,471 16.67 %
21 California Institute of TechnologyPasadena, CA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years11%2,243 33.33 %
22 Davidson CollegeDavidson, NC Private not-for-profit, Four or more years26%1,790 10.00 %
23 Duke UniversityDurham, NC Private not-for-profit, Four or more years13%15,386 14.29 %
24 University of ChicagoChicago, IL Private not-for-profit, Four or more years9%15,245 16.67 %
25 Tufts UniversityMedford, MA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years19%10,837 11.11 %
Student/Faculty Ratio data are reported for year 2013.

2014 Tuition comparison between best Forbes top 25 colleges
Below section describes the tuition and other costs for each school in Forbes top 25. You can analyze and compare 2014 tuition cost between them with tables and charts. In addition you can compare tuition and financial aids for the schools including statistical data for living costs, grants, and loans at Forbes top 25 tuition comparing page.
Tuition and Fees - Undergraduate (2014)
The average undergraduate school tuition for the Forbes top 25 colleges is $ 43,973 for out-of-state students.
Table. Forbes Top 25 College Tuition and Fees - Undergraduate
Williams College $ 46,330$ 270$ 800 $ 46,330$ 270$ 800
Stanford University $ 42,690$ 993$ 1,500 $ 42,690$ 993$ 1,500
Swarthmore College $ 44,368$ 350$ 1,210 $ 44,368$ 350$ 1,210
Princeton University $ 40,170$ 0$ 1,200 $ 40,170$ 0$ 1,200
Massachusetts Institute of Technology $ 43,210$ 288$ 1,000 $ 43,210$ 288$ 1,000
Yale University $ 44,000$ 0$ 3,400 $ 44,000$ 0$ 3,400
Harvard University $ 38,891$ 3,401$ 1,000 $ 38,891$ 3,401$ 1,000
Pomona College $ 43,255$ 325$ 900 $ 43,255$ 325$ 900
United States Military Academy $ 0$ 0- $ 0$ 0-
Amherst College $ 45,800$ 774$ 1,000 $ 45,800$ 774$ 1,000
Haverford College $ 45,018$ 408$ 1,194 $ 45,018$ 408$ 1,194
University of Pennsylvania $ 40,594$ 5,296$ 1,190 $ 40,594$ 5,296$ 1,190
Brown University $ 44,608$ 1,004$ 1,404 $ 44,608$ 1,004$ 1,404
Bowdoin College $ 45,004$ 442$ 816 $ 45,004$ 442$ 816
Wesleyan University $ 46,674$ 270$ 1,300 $ 46,674$ 270$ 1,300
Carleton College $ 45,900$ 267$ 751 $ 45,900$ 267$ 751
University of Notre Dame $ 44,098$ 507$ 1,050 $ 44,098$ 507$ 1,050
Dartmouth College $ 45,444$ 1,308$ 1,101 $ 45,444$ 1,308$ 1,101
Northwestern University $ 45,120$ 407$ 1,878 $ 45,120$ 407$ 1,878
Columbia University in the City of New York $ 46,846$ 2,292$ 1,170 $ 46,846$ 2,292$ 1,170
California Institute of Technology $ 39,990$ 1,548$ 1,323 $ 39,990$ 1,548$ 1,323
Davidson College $ 42,425$ 424$ 1,000 $ 42,425$ 424$ 1,000
Duke University $ 44,020$ 1,356$ 1,300 $ 44,020$ 1,356$ 1,300
University of Chicago $ 45,324$ 1,062$ 1,400 $ 45,324$ 1,062$ 1,400
Tufts University $ 45,590$ 1,008$ 800 $ 45,590$ 1,008$ 800

Tuition and Fees - Graduate (2014)
The average graduate school tuition for the Forbes top 25 colleges is $ 42,303 for out-of-state students. (Schools not in the list do not have any graduate programs).
Table. Forbes Top 25 College Tuition and Fees - Graduate
Williams College $ 45,222$ 0$ 800 $ 45,222$ 0$ 800
Stanford University $ 42,690$ 555$ 1,500 $ 42,690$ 555$ 1,500
Princeton University $ 40,170$ 1,900$ 1,200 $ 40,170$ 1,900$ 1,200
Massachusetts Institute of Technology $ 43,210$ 2,376$ 1,000 $ 43,210$ 2,376$ 1,000
Yale University $ 36,500$ 0$ 3,400 $ 36,500$ 0$ 3,400
Harvard University $ 38,888$ 958$ 1,000 $ 38,888$ 958$ 1,000
University of Pennsylvania $ 28,768$ 2,976$ 1,190 $ 28,768$ 2,976$ 1,190
Brown University $ 44,608$ 808$ 1,404 $ 44,608$ 808$ 1,404
Wesleyan University $ 46,674$ 20$ 1,300 $ 46,674$ 20$ 1,300
University of Notre Dame $ 43,980$ 465$ 1,050 $ 43,980$ 465$ 1,050
Dartmouth College $ 45,444$ 334$ 1,101 $ 45,444$ 334$ 1,101
Northwestern University $ 45,120$ 440$ 1,878 $ 45,120$ 440$ 1,878
Columbia University in the City of New York $ 39,852$ 1,742$ 1,170 $ 39,852$ 1,742$ 1,170
California Institute of Technology $ 39,990$ 1,419$ 1,323 $ 39,990$ 1,419$ 1,323
Duke University $ 45,760$ 826$ 1,300 $ 45,760$ 826$ 1,300
University of Chicago $ 47,736$ 993$ 1,400 $ 47,736$ 993$ 1,400
Tufts University $ 44,548$ 758$ 800 $ 44,548$ 758$ 800

Best Social Psychology (as Sociology) Major Programs Tuition Comparison

In this page, we introduce best colleges in social psychology, a part of Sociology major program and compare tuition costs between them. In psychology, social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all psychological variables that are measurable in a human being. The statement that others' presence may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized cultural norms. (read more at wiki)

General information and comparison between social psychology
In the field of social psychology, 4 public and 2 private schools are included in the top 10 rankings where Stanford University is on the top of the list and Indiana University-Bloomington is positioned on second. Next table shows academic information and general characteristics of the best social psychology colleges.
Table. Best Social Psychology Schools Overview
RankNameLocationType Acceptance RatesPopulationStudent Faculty Ratio
1 Stanford UniversityStanford, CA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years6%18,217 8.33 %
2 Indiana University-BloomingtonBloomington, IN Public, Four or more years72%46,817 5.56 %
3 University of IowaIowa City, IA Public, Four or more years80%29,748 6.25 %
4 University of South Carolina-ColumbiaColumbia, SC Public, Four or more years61%31,970 5.88 %
5 University of ArizonaTucson, AZ Public, Four or more years77%40,621 4.55 %
6 Emory UniversityAtlanta, GA Private not-for-profit, Four or more years26%12,660 12.50 %

Tuition comparison between best social psychology colleges
Below section describes the tuition and other costs for each best social psychology school. You can analyze and compare tuition cost between them with tables and charts. In addition you can compare tuition and financial aids for the schools including statistical data for living costs, grants, and loans at social psychology tuition comparing page.
Tuition and Fees - Undergraduate
The average undergraduate school tuition for the best social psychology colleges is $ 8,850 for in-state students and $ 32,816 for out-of-state students.
Table. Best Social Psychology College Tuition and Fees - Undergraduate
Stanford University $ 42,690$ 993$ 1,500 $ 42,690$ 993$ 1,500
Indiana University-Bloomington $ 8,919$ 1,290$ 1,500 $ 31,060$ 1,290$ 1,500
University of Iowa $ 6,678$ 1,383$ 1,040 $ 25,548$ 1,383$ 1,040
University of South Carolina-Columbia $ 10,416$ 400$ 994 $ 28,128$ 400$ 994
University of Arizona $ 9,388$ 1,003$ 1,000 $ 26,070$ 1,003$ 1,000
Emory University $ 43,400$ 608$ 1,200 $ 43,400$ 608$ 1,200

Tuition and Fees - Graduate
The average graduate school tuition for the best social psychology colleges is $ 9,552 for in-state students and $ 29,897 for out-of-state students.
Table. Best Social Psychology College Tuition and Fees - Graduate
Stanford University $ 42,690$ 555$ 1,500 $ 42,690$ 555$ 1,500
Indiana University-Bloomington $ 7,957$ 1,290$ 1,500 $ 23,863$ 1,290$ 1,500
University of Iowa $ 8,106$ 1,417$ 1,040 $ 24,690$ 1,417$ 1,040
University of South Carolina-Columbia $ 11,640$ 400$ 994 $ 24,960$ 400$ 994
University of Arizona $ 10,508$ 1,003$ 1,000 $ 26,380$ 1,003$ 1,000
Emory University $ 36,800$ 3,134$ 1,200 $ 36,800$ 3,134$ 1,200