University of Phoenix Online Division, the largest school in US, has Over 500K students. Last year, the school reports 496,050 (409,538 undergraduate, 86,512 graduate) students as their population. It is a fact that they have over 500K students this year. In 2012, they have 300K enrolled students.
You may also like to see
full information about University of Phoenix Online division and
tuition chart of University of Phoenix.
Enrollment by School Level
2012 Univ. of Phoenix Enrollment by School Level Table
| Undergraduate | Graduate |
Full Time | 253,011 | 54,860 |
Part Time | 0 | 0 |
Enrollment by Gender
2012 Univ. of Phoenix Enrollment by Gender Table
| Undergraduate | Graduate |
Total | 253,011 | 54,860 |
Men | 74,934 | 15,759 |
Women | 178,077 | 39,101 |
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity
2012 Univ. of Phoenix Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Table
| Headcount |
Total | 307,871 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 3,079 |
Asian | 3,079 |
Black or African American | 58,495 |
Hispanic/Latino | 21,551 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | 3,079 |
White | 123,148 |
Two or more races | 3,079 |
UnKnown | 83,125 |
Undergraduate School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity
2012 Univ. of Phoenix Undergraduate School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Table
| Headcount |
Total | 253,011 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 2,530 |
Asian | 2,530 |
Black or African American | 45,542 |
Hispanic/Latino | 17,711 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | 2,530 |
White | 106,265 |
Two or more races | 5,060 |
UnKnown | 68,313 |
Graduate School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity
2012 Univ. of Phoenix Graduate School Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity Table
| Headcount |
Total | 54,860 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 549 |
Asian | 1,097 |
Black or African American | 12,618 |
Hispanic/Latino | 3,292 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | 549 |
White | 19,201 |
Two or more races | 549 |
UnKnown | 15,909 |
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