Top Printmaking Schools Admission and Tuition Comparison

Rhode Island School of Design is ranked first in Printmaking and University of Wisconsin-Madison is placed in second.
Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper. Printmaking normally covers only the process of creating prints that have an element of originality, rather than just being a photographic reproduction of a painting. Except in the case of monotyping, the process is capable of producing multiples of a same piece, which is called a print. Each print produced is not considered a "copy" but rather is considered an "original".(read more at wiki)

Academic Factors Comparison Between Best Colleges in Printmaking Major

9 public and 3 private schools are ranked in the top 10 Printmaking colleges. The average acceptance ratio of the schools is 61.27% where Rhode Island School of Design has the tightest acceptance ratio of 34% and University of Iowa has the highest ratio of 84%. Total 368,919 students are enrolled into best Printmaking schools where Arizona State University-Tempe has the largest population with 51,869 students and Cranbrook Academy of Art has the smallest with 140 students. The average graduation rate is 75.27% and the average students to faculty ratio is 16.00:1 at those colleges.
Next table shows the academic information and key facts of the best Printmaking colleges including acceptance ratio, graduation rates, student population, and students to faculty ratio.
Table. Best Printmaking Colleges Overview
RankName Acceptance RatesGraduation RatesPopulationStudent-Faculty Ratio
1 Rhode Island School of Design
Providence, RI
34%90%2,477 9:1 (11.11 %)
2 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
53%85%42,582 18:1 (5.56 %)
3 The University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Knoxville, TN
77%69%28,052 17:1 (5.88 %)
4 University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
84%72%32,011 15:1 (6.67 %)
5 Arizona State University-Tempe
Tempe, AZ
83%67%51,869 23:1 (4.35 %)
6 Cranbrook Academy of Art
Bloomfield Hills, MI
--140 -
7 University of Georgia
Athens, GA
54%85%36,574 18:1 (5.56 %)
8 School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, IL
59%66%3,569 10:1 (10.00 %)
9 Rutgers University-New Brunswick
New Brunswick, NJ
57%80%50,146 15:1 (6.67 %)
10 Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
52%71%39,296 15:1 (6.67 %)
10 The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
40%81%51,331 18:1 (5.56 %)
10 Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
81%62%30,872 18:1 (5.56 %)
Average61.27%75.27%368,919 (Total) 16.00:1 (6.25 %)

Best Printmaking Colleges 2018 Tuition & Fees Comparison and 2019 Estimated Costs

Next table lists 2017-2018 tuition & fees and compares the costs between Best Printmaking Colleges. The 2017-2018 costs are officially published by IPEDS, U.S. Department of Education. The estimated costs for year 2018-2019 are calculated and estimated based on each school's tuition rates last year.

For the undergraduate programs, the average tuition & fees of best Printmaking schools is $34,720 where School of the Art Institute of Chicago has the most expensive costs with $49,610 and Arizona State University-Tempe has the lowest amount of tuition with with $27,372. The average graduate tuition & fees of best Printmaking schools is $31,338 where School of the Art Institute of Chicago has the highest tuition with $49,610 and The University of Texas at Austin has the lowest amount of tuition with with $22,178.
Table. Best Printmaking Colleges 2018 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees Comparison and 2019 Estimation
RankSchool Name 2018 Tuition & Fees2019 Estimated Tuition & Fees
1Rhode Island School of Design $48,370$49,663
2University of Wisconsin-Madison $10,533$34,783 $10,578$36,956
3The University of Tennessee-Knoxville $12,970$31,390 $13,279$31,695
4University of Iowa $8,965$30,609 $9,373$32,517
5Arizona State University-Tempe $10,792$27,372 $11,231$28,305
6Cranbrook Academy of Art --
7University of Georgia $11,818$30,392 $12,005$30,950
8School of the Art Institute of Chicago $49,610$53,795
9Rutgers University-New Brunswick $14,638$30,579 $14,909$31,145
10Temple University $16,658$28,418 $17,051$29,619
10The University of Texas at Austin $10,398$36,744 $10,713$37,838
10Virginia Commonwealth University $13,624$33,656 $14,137$35,083
Table. Best Printmaking Colleges 2018 Graduate School Tuition & Fees Comparison and 2019 Estimation
RankSchool Name 2018 Tuition & Fees2019 Estimated Tuition & Fees
1Rhode Island School of Design $48,470$49,869
2University of Wisconsin-Madison $11,988$25,314 $12,033$25,359
3The University of Tennessee-Knoxville $13,084$31,272 $13,339$31,292
4University of Iowa $10,960$29,696 $11,598$31,539
5Arizona State University-Tempe $11,938$25,018 $12,386$25,889
6Cranbrook Academy of Art $38,050$39,129
7University of Georgia $10,970$26,958 $11,182$27,570
8School of the Art Institute of Chicago $49,610$51,018
9Rutgers University-New Brunswick $18,984$30,792 $19,342$31,370
10Temple University $17,054$23,048 $17,441$23,582
10The University of Texas at Austin $11,490$22,178 $11,683$22,858
10Virginia Commonwealth University $13,633$25,654 $14,141$26,043