image source: ed.gov |
Student loan helps students who want to get financial aid to attend colleges but did not have chance to get grants or scholarships. Last year almost 2 Million students were helped by the student loans both public and private schools.
We analyze the student loan data and compare it by college level - 4 years, 2 -4 years, and less than 2 years college.Last year 774,910 students helped by student loan and average loan amount per student $ 6,006.
Here, we provide 3 type of charts - number of received, total amount and average amount of student loan by school type. Each chart shows all students loan, federal students loan, and private student loan. If want to see the student loan data by state, see state data -
all students loan, f
ederal student loan, and
private student loan.
Table. Total Numbers of Received Student Loan
State | All Students Loan | Federal Students Loan | Private Students Loan |
4 Year Colleges | 1,040,741 | 941,898 | 98,843 |
2-4 Year Colleges | 454,935 | 426,056 | 28,879 |
4 Year Certificate | 234,725 | 213,115 | 21,610 |
Table. Total Amount of Student Loan
State | All Students Loan | Federal Students Loan | Private Students Loan |
4 Year Colleges | $ 6,460,179 | $ 5,542,940 | $ 917,239 |
2-4 Year Colleges | $ 2,747,570 | $ 2,596,646 | $ 150,924 |
4 Year Certificate | $ 1,478,247 | $ 1,364,077 | $ 114,170 |
in thousand dollars |
Table. Average Student Loan Amount per Student
State | All Students Loan | Federal Students Loan | Private Students Loan |
4 Year Colleges | $ 6,207 | $ 6,248 | $ 9,234 |
2-4 Year Colleges | $ 6,039 | $ 5,969 | $ 5,955 |
4 Year Certificate | $ 6,297 | $ 6,183 | $ 7,230 |
   | Chart Image. You can download the chart image as different format by using setting button on top-right corner of the chart. |
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