US Graduate School Tuition Costs by States

We analyze and compare tuition costs for graduate schools by state. The in-state tuition is analyzed for only public schools. Average tuition of Graduate school was $3,574 for in-state and $14,443 for out-of-state last year. See state tuition detail by following link on each state name.
State(number of schools)In-State TuitionOut-of-State TuitionIn-State FeesOut-of-Sate FeesBook & Supplies
Alabama (28)$3,448$13,151 $685$685$1,276
Alaska (4)$4,464$16,515 $707$707$1,171
Arizona (24)$4,467$17,752 $643$643$1,327
Arkansas (16)$2,311$12,027 $801$801$1,158
California (190)$4,535$18,370 $736$736$1,556
Colorado (34)$3,884$15,520 $751$753$1,419
Connecticut (24)$3,077$17,726 $1,368$1,679$1,195
Delaware (8)$7,682$14,707 $399$399$1,400
District of Columbia (18)$3,790$19,737 $500$500$1,446
Florida (84)$4,453$15,719 $731$831$1,243
Georgia (53)$2,464$15,468 $1,143$1,143$1,295
Hawaii (10)$4,836$15,101 $608$608$1,132
Idaho (8)$2,128$12,273 $1,652$1,652$1,371
Illinois (84)$3,693$16,331 $746$746$1,255
Indiana (49)$3,072$14,784 $490$490$1,189
Iowa (31)$3,761$12,590 $538$538$1,135
Kansas (22)$2,618$10,366 $600$600$1,219
Kentucky (32)$4,059$11,188 $420$420$1,308
Louisiana (29)$2,390$11,352 $1,041$2,258$1,236
Maine (13)$4,480$17,871 $1,006$1,006$1,120
Maryland (37)$4,044$13,600 $920$920$1,198
Massachusetts (75)$2,056$20,333 $1,622$1,920$1,001
Michigan (56)$5,689$15,337 $537$537$1,255
Minnesota (39)$3,950$12,638 $475$475$1,411
Mississippi (16)$2,676$10,866 $465$1,301$1,405
Missouri (58)$3,158$11,854 $523$523$1,138
Montana (7)$2,530$16,461 $1,643$2,539$1,071
Nebraska (23)$2,690$10,344 $779$779$1,114
Nevada (9)$2,340$16,765 $997$997$1,225
New Hampshire (14)$4,515$18,387 $707$707$1,178
New Jersey (35)$5,961$16,573 $1,516$1,516$1,366
New Mexico (13)$1,947$13,522 $783$783$1,136
New York (172)$4,279$17,342 $735$735$988
North Carolina (47)$1,944$12,750 $1,289$1,289$1,136
North Dakota (6)$2,721$9,403 $916$916$1,000
Ohio (86)$4,675$15,622 $529$529$1,238
Oklahoma (27)$1,740$11,735 $1,018$1,018$1,195
Oregon (30)$6,087$16,785 $1,344$1,344$1,216
Pennsylvania (118)$6,486$17,248 $827$887$1,260
Rhode Island (10)$4,219$21,544 $615$615$1,347
South Carolina (28)$4,381$13,632 $1,333$2,289$1,452
South Dakota (14)$1,893$10,127 $1,801$1,801$1,236
Tennessee (49)$3,488$15,330 $1,012$1,019$1,346
Texas (95)$2,232$12,681 $1,307$1,309$1,183
Utah (17)$2,418$14,200 $555$555$1,426
Vermont (18)$5,667$21,378 $831$831$1,056
Virginia (48)$4,151$14,978 $1,142$1,267$1,191
Washington (32)$4,871$18,365 $564$564$1,004
West Virginia (18)$2,393$10,280 $1,391$1,618$1,307
Wisconsin (44)$3,686$13,744 $924$924$957
Wyoming (2)$1,818$11,299 $960$960$1,200
Guam (2)$2,322$9,291 $524$524$1,135
Puerto Rico (40)$1,378$5,099 $968$968$1,200
Virgin Islands (1)$2,970$11,880 $508$508$1,750

Student Loan Chart By School Level

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Student loan helps students who want to get financial aid to attend colleges but did not have chance to get grants or scholarships. Last year almost 2 Million students were helped by the student loans both public and private schools.

We analyze the student loan data and compare it by college level - 4 years, 2 -4 years, and less than 2 years college.Last year 774,910 students helped by student loan and average loan amount per student $ 6,006.

Here, we provide 3 type of charts - number of received, total amount and average amount of student loan by school type. Each chart shows all students loan, federal students loan, and private student loan. If want to see the student loan data by state, see state data - all students loan, federal student loan, and private student loan.

Student Loan Comparison Between Public and Private Colleges

Student loan helps students who want to get financial aid to attend colleges but did not have chance to get grants or scholarships. Last year almost 2 Million students were helped by the student loans both public and private schools.

Average Amount of Private Student Loan By State

Students who cannot get grants/scholarships or even federal student loan may seek private student loan to keep their life in campus. Usually, its interest rates are high relative to the federal student loan. In addition, it needs careful consideration for the loan provider. Besides the concerns, it may give a opportunity to build your future.

Here, we analyze and calculate average amount of private student loan per student who gets the private students loan by state.

Average Amount of Federal Student Loan By State

Students and their parents are motivated by the students loans since budget of grants or scholarships is not enough to cover all students who want financial help for their campus life. Among many sources of the loan, the federal student loan is preferred by most students because its reliability and low interest rates.

Here, we analyze and calculate average amount of federal student loan per student who gets the federal students loan by state.

Average Amount of Received Student Loan by State

Students and their parents are motivated by the students loans since budget of grants or scholarships is not enough to cover all students who want financial help for their campus life. Student loan may be not good way for your future, but, on the other side, it gives an opportunity to you for your future.

Here, we analyze and calculate average amount of student loan per student who gets any students loan by state.

Average Financial Aid Amounts for Colleges by State

Financial Aid such as scholarships, grants and student loans helps students and their parents to join colleges that they desire. Especially, as economy is down, the financial aid plays more important role for both college and students. Most colleges in US has own financial aid method and State or Government also have it. It may be not a good way but the student loan helps students to design their dream.

Here, we analyze and calculate average amount of financial aid by State. The average amount means estimated amount that a student gets from any kind of financial aid The financial aid includes scholarships form any source, federal, pell, local, or institutional grants, and students loans. Last year, the average amount of financial aid for all colleges (all states) was $ 8,793.

Average In Sate Tuition Rates By State

We analyze and compare average college tuition by state. As you know, there 2 or 3 types of college tuition rates:in-district, in-state, and out-of-state. While private schools apply same tuition rates for in-state students and out-of-state students, most public schools keep lower tuition rates for in-state students that out-of-state tuition rates.

Here, we show average in-state college tuition by state. For in-state tuition, we analyze only tuition of public schools because private schools have same tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state students and the tuition rates of private schools is high relative to the public school. We note that average in-state tuition for all states is $4,172 last year. If you want see detail information of particular state, follow link on the State name.